Dr Yoav Keynan, MD PhD
Assistant Professor Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Manitoba
Manitoba HIV Program Specialist
NCCID Scientific Lead

Dr Yoav Keynan
MD. Ben-Gurion University
Internal Medicine - Carmel Medical Center, Technion, Israel Institute
Infectious Disease - University of Manitoba
PhD. Medical Microbiology - University of Manitoba
My research interests

The focus of research is:
Innate and adaptive (T and B cell) immune responses to influenza infection and vaccination with emphasis on factors associated with Influenza cross-protection and disease severity.
HIV disease progression. Study of the immunogenetic determinants and the effect of anti-inflammatory interventions on immune reconstitution.
Tuberculosis: Host gene expression and cytokine profile used to identify latent TB infection and the transition to active disease.
Additional interests:
Clinical management of infectious diseases, pyogenic liver abscess caused by hypermucoviscous klebsiella; HIV care and management of opportunistic infections. POC detection of HIV status.