Dr Yoav Keynan, MD PhD
Assistant Professor Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Manitoba
Manitoba HIV Program Specialist
NCCID Scientific Lead

Previous Team Members
James Sainsbury, PhD. PDF

James started his postdoc training in our lab. He worked on VitD receptor in Blastomycosis, He moved back home in New Zeland where he continues with his scientific career. "When I was in the Keynan Lab I worked on some projects looking at how human host genetic diversity affected susceptibility to disease - including HIV-1 and blastomycosis. I am now working on honeybee diseases at Plant and Food Research in New Zealand (as per the photograph!).
Adam Erickson, MD.

Adam worked in our lab as a BSc Med student. He is now completing his residency in Family Medicine in Portage La Prairie, Manitoba. " The project that I worked on was an epidemiological study looking at the population of individuals in Manitoba with HIV who also use substances. Our aim was to identify and characterize this population as well as some of the clinical impacts which were seen among substance users"- Dr. Adam Erickson.
Julia Towes, BSc. Student at the University of British Columbia
Julia is a BSc. student at the University of British Columbia. Originally from Winnipeg, she came back to visit her family and friends, so she decided to start her lab experience at the Keynan lab. She spent the summer of 2015 in our lab as a visitor. She was involved with a research project on HIV patients under retroviral treatment. She also started her learning process on molecular biology techniques. Julia has finished her 3er year of her program in BC.
Ayub Maina, MSc. Student at the University of Nairobi, Kenya
Ayub came from Kenya to work in our lab for 3 months. His learning goals were to improve his knowledge about HIV in general and to acquire experience in qRT-PCR. Ayub went back to Nairobi to complete his Master's program and also came back to Montreal, Canada, to complete his research. He submitted his first paper titled :'The Potential for DPPIV/CD26 usage as a surrogate marker for Antiretroviral Therapy Efficacy in HIV-Infected populations'. Hope to see him back in our lab to pursue his PhD.
Quinn Richert, BSc. Medicine student at the University of Manitoba

Quinn spent two summers in our lab, as part of the research program that the UM offers to medicine students. He learned basic science research and was also able to participate in clinical research interviewing HIV patients on the units at the Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg. He presented a poster to the CAHR 2016 conference held in Winnipeg and submitted a paper titled: "Systemic Inflammation before and after antiretroviral therapy initiation as a predictor of immune response among HIV-infected individuals in Manitoba".
Quinn won the MMSF Mr. Justice James E Wilton Memorial Award and the Medicine Class of 1959 BSc(med) Travel Award in September 2016.